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Helping Single Mothers Achieve Self-Sufficiency

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God will lead the way

About Caridad Inc.

When our founder, Carmen Schloner, came to the U.S. from Costa Rica, her new community supported her and provided her with countless opportunities that made it possible to achieve her dreams. Now, Carmen, who was once a single mother, has a goal to help other single mothers achieve theirs.

Caridad—which means ``helping others to solve their challenges`` in Spanish—is a 501C3 non-profit founded in 2002 in the D.C. area of Maryland that now serves the communities of Brunswick and New Hanover in North Carolina.

Our primary goal is to assist single mothers and guide them into self-sufficiency. We work with each individual to ensure her immediate needs are met and make a plan to help her accomplish her long-term goals and dreams. Whether they need housing, childcare, education, or employment, our volunteers work with the local community to help. Our focus is not on providing hand-outs but a helping hand to allow women to support themselves and their families. We stay by their side until this becomes a reality.

Helping Single Mothers
Achieve Self-Sufficiency

Great Support

(301) 312-3435

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Remembering Jerry Van Winter

Caridad Inc. would like to honor the memory of Mr. Jerry Van Winter for the humanitarian and financial support he gave our organization for the first 12 years of its existence. Jerry Van Winter was the owner of Computer Packages Inc., the company Caridad’s founder, Carmen Schloner, worked at for 30 years.

Jerry had a passion for helping those who needed it the most—the sick, the poor, single mothers, immigrants. He firmly believed in giving people opportunities and the necessary tools to get ahead and fulfill their dreams.

Jerry’s formula for success was: Education + Hard Work = Success. This mission drives our organization forward to this day.

Caridad thanks Jerry Van Winter for all the help he gave us. Without him, we would not be in existence today. We continue to honor his legacy by working hard and helping others.

Si se puede! Yes, we can do it!